My organisation skill is something that I am very proud to possess, as it has allowed me to balance my academic studies with my extra-curricular activities. I would love to share with you the tools I have implemented in my system to allow me to work efficiently throughout my academic studies.

Having a page per day planner provides space to create specific goal-orientated tasks. To promote high levels of productivity using a planner method, I will write each task in my planner and assign a level of priority to complete individual tasks.

As a visual learner, having a monthly calendar plastered over my walls to display individual unit deadlines allows me to manage my time effectively and decrease stress levels. A complementary habit that I practice is placing post-it notes on my monthly calendar to highlight my weekly tasks. This habit allows me to keep motivated throughout the week and encourages me to complete each task. 

Utilising a folder that is digital or physical is imperative, as it promotes a systematic approach to cluster content covered within a course.  Assign each folder a unit and include subsections titled: unit guide, wider reading materials and lecture notes. By creating a systematic approach to cluster unit materials does benefit in the long term especially, in preparation for an assignment or an exam. 

Taking the time to organise your bag the night before may sound like a tedious activity, however, the practice will ensure that you have the required materials for class.

Surrounding yourself amongst individuals who are motivated to perform highly in their academic studies is a ticket to stay organised. Knowing how dedicated individuals are to succeed in their academic studies does increase motivation to take steps (such as organising time) to fulfill the desired outcome. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and I hope you have found the tools that I have mentioned helpful. If you do adopt the system that I have outlined, please let me know your journey in the comments section below as I am intrigued to hear your progression. 

Also, I hope you do monitor this space so we can track my writing journey together, and I will see you soon.


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