In this blog post, I would like to share with you the structure that I implemented in my second year at university, which has revolutionised my academic experience. As the format will allow extracting appropriate quotes to support the arguments you make during the planning stages of the assignment.

For each unit have a word document which includes a table with the following headings:

To allocate appropriate quotes to support the arguments you make, you can search the document for keywords by utilising the shortcut function 'cmd' and 'f' on your keypad. To show the effectiveness of this method, I will provide a real-life example using my Public Affairs and Political PR assignment. I created a campaign for the Conservative party leading up to the next general election. I wanted to find a quote to justify my argument for targetting the over 65's, as they popularly vote for the Conservative party. I can use the shortcut function ('cmd' and 'f') to search the document by typing the key term 'voters', which will allow me to locate an appropriate quote to support my argument.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog post, I hope you found value in the information I had shared with you. If you have another method of organising your notes, please do share it in the comments section as I would love to try a new format of structuring my notes.


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